Workout: Back Buster!

ImageSo while surfing Pinterest Sunday night I found this great back strengthening workout by Women’s Health! I added a few modifications to meet my specific trouble areas (ahem mid section).

My version:

4 x 10 reps each

– Assisted Chin Up (90 lbs)

– Plank Row (10 lbs)

– Lat Pulldown (55 lbs)

– Back Dips (knees bent)

After finishing with the weight portion of this I ran/walked two miles.

Ran: 4, 3, 2 ,1 laps

Walked: 1-2 laps in between

Next time I do this workout I plan on increasing the intensity by lowering the weight on the assisted chin ups, increasing the weight on the lat pulldown to 70 lbs and do the back dips with my legs straightened.

If you’re not sure how to properly do any of these workouts please view Women’s Health’s Video!

30 Minute High Intensity

This is a two round workout, may I suggest a quick lap or two around the track to get your heart rate up!

Round 1: Arms

  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Bench push ups

We did three sets of 10 each. (Let me tell you – your arms will feel a bit like jello after this round. Listen to your body I couldn’t complete the third set of push ups so I moved to the ground and did “girl push ups” with my knees on the ground.

Round 2: Lower Body/Cardio

  • Walking lunges
  • High knees
  • Quick jump (pick a line to follow and jump back and forth crossing it each time)
  • Side steps

We did two sets of these while walking one stretch between each exercise and walking one lap in between the sets. (Again lower body a bit like jello.) Again listen to your body I have weak ankles so I took it slow on the last lap of high knees. Remember breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth! I find it helps me push my self too.

[A little background: my gym’s track is more like a round square so each stretch is even and 12 laps = 1 mile.]

I’m a huge advocate for concentrating on total body workouts and not spot training, but I will tell you that I already feeling it in my triceps, shoulders, butt, inner thigh and outer thigh. This is sure to give you that jello feeling!

(I highly recommend stretching after every workout. I am in no way an expert this is just a suggestion, but I always feel better after stretching.)

Hope you like this workout!