Workout: Booty-fied!

Hello all!

Sorry for the hiatus last week, but I’m back! I stumbled upon a great combination of squats, weights and the elliptical machine last night that left my backside feeling the burn.

Part 1:

Weighted Squats (10 lbs.)

Weighted Lunges (2- 10 lb weights)

Jumping Squats (no weights)

[Believe me by this one you’ll be thanking Jesus I left the weights off this one]

Side Twist (10 lbs.)

[It’s been about a week since I’ve hit the gym this hard and thought my legs could use little break in between reps]

10 reps each x 4 rounds

If your legs aren’t feeling it by round 4 – I would add a little more weight.

After the fourth round I walked a couple of laps and stretched out my legs.

Part 2:

The Elliptical Machine

I put it on the glutes setting for 15 minutes, which is basically level 3 on an 85% incline with 1 minute spurts of level 6 on a 100% incline. I made sure to keep a steady pace the whole time (mainly because I thought I’d fall off the machine if I slowed down, my legs were feeling really out of shape last night).

Workout: Back Buster!

ImageSo while surfing Pinterest Sunday night I found this great back strengthening workout by Women’s Health! I added a few modifications to meet my specific trouble areas (ahem mid section).

My version:

4 x 10 reps each

– Assisted Chin Up (90 lbs)

– Plank Row (10 lbs)

– Lat Pulldown (55 lbs)

– Back Dips (knees bent)

After finishing with the weight portion of this I ran/walked two miles.

Ran: 4, 3, 2 ,1 laps

Walked: 1-2 laps in between

Next time I do this workout I plan on increasing the intensity by lowering the weight on the assisted chin ups, increasing the weight on the lat pulldown to 70 lbs and do the back dips with my legs straightened.

If you’re not sure how to properly do any of these workouts please view Women’s Health’s Video!


Today’s workout: RUN-A-THON!

This is a great way to tighten everything – I seriously felt like I pushed every muscle with this workout.

Side note: At my gym 12 laps = 1 mile and we kept up a pretty fast paced job the entire time to burn the maximum calories in the shortest amount of time. This workout took about 40 minutes to complete (give or take a minute).


run 6 laps

walk 2 laps

run 5

walk 2

run 4

walk 2

run 3

walk 2 (believe me you’ll want that second lap)

sprint 1 (run all out as fast as you can)

walk 1

sprint 1 more (I used this lap to push myself as to run as fast as I could go – believe me you’ll feel rewarded once you cross that line)

Life by Emily is officially off the ground!


After years of trial and error, countless hours and lots of soul-searching: Life by Emily is officially off the ground. In the right hand column you will find six categories: Projects, Sgt. Pepper, DIY, Noms, Heart and Seasons.

A little about about Emily (me):

This blog is basically the random assortment of my everyday life.

My parents both come from strong Cajun French/French families so I love great food, enjoy simple pleasures and am completely obsessed LSU football!

I have a small child named Sgt. Pepper (okay so he’s a dog). He is a 5 lb. Yorkie and he stole my heart from the moment we met (I’ll post the story). I love that dog!

I am a Marketing/ Advertising/ Promotions coordinator at an engineering company by day and an amateur designer by night. Life by Emily has become my creative space! Here you will find posts about things that I love, my current design work, DIY projects, funny stories from my life (seriously I couldn’t even make this stuff up) and a random assortment of things that inspire me.


While I am a Marketing Coordinator at an engineering company by day, my true passion is print design. Lately I’ve been asking (we’ll begging) my recently engaged friends to let me help with designing save-the-dates, announcements, invitations and just about anything else they need. The projects page will showcase those projects! [So yes a couple of them said yes!] So far I only have a couple, but I’m hoping to have more soon.

Sgt. Pepper:

I have a small Yorkie – Sgt. Pepper. Yes that was a Beatles-inspired choice. I call him Pepper for short. While I am whole-heartedly for rescuing dogs sadly Pepper was not rescued. When i first met Pepper he was so tiny (1 lb. exactly). And he was still the biggest little trouble maker I have ever met. Right then I knew we were prefect for each other. On this page I will try to continuously update it with pictures and short posts of my life with Pepper. He’s a feisty one so that page may get a bit interesting!


Do-it-yourself or DIY is now a huge part of our weekends, am I right? Do you spend time during the week scouring Pinterest for the latest and greatest DIY projects that will complete that room you never finished or update that tiny apartment you’ve crammed yourself in? No worries I do it too. This page will show your all of my DIY projects that I’ve boldly taken on. Many of them are in the process of being completed to stay tuned!


This is basically a compilation of things that I love and/or inspire me to be a better person. This page may get a bit random so be prepared to find something new and exciting every week!


I grew up in a large cajun-french family, where seasonings reign as king and roux is a staple in every dish. Needless to say I love to cook and I love even more to eat! This page is where I will share my favorite recipes.


I’m a huge fan of holidays, maybe it’s the religious aspect or maybe it’s the excuse to get a little drunk with your favorite people. I also love to make seasonal cards – which will be posted here! So Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, Happy Easter or whatever time of year it is!

So that’s just about sums up Life by Emily! Thanks to those who have followed me though the painful year and half it took me to get here. And for those of you who are just joining me thanks for visiting I hope you continue to read up on Life by Emily!